Last updated on January 4th, 2025
MUrCS is a 2-year, 120 ECTS Master Programme, offered by;
- Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) in the UK (coordinator)
- LAB University of Applied Sciences (LAB) in Finland
- University of Huelva (UHU) in Spain
- University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTWD) in Germany (2021–2025)
The progamme integrates three main streams;
- Planning
- Management
- Science
Under an innovative staff/student mobility scheme, students will first undertake core modules together with developing transverse skills (inter-cultural awareness, foreign language competencies, research methods and communication and employability skills). Further, core modules and electives, relevant to each student’s main and second specialisms, are taught by the most relevant partner university. Students will finally develop a thesis project covering both their specialisms, jointly supervised by two academics from different partner institutions.
The programme language is English.
During its second period (2021–2025) the official Erasmus+ project name is MUrCS1.5, and the third period (2025–2029) it is MUrCS+. However, on this website all periods are denoted MUrCS, since they are interlinked over time.